Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Sequenced by Malcolm Dale using Noteworthy


Please note all these files are in .NWC format. To listen to them you will need NoteWorthy PlayerNoteworthy Player - it's FREE.

This music was all sequenced using the Creative S/W Synth Option from a Creative SB Live Sound card. It might sound very different with your sound card and your speakers. Good speakers will make a big difference to the sound quality. If you only have a 16 bit Sound Card the music will sound awful. Please get a new sound card and hear the difference.


You will notice that some of the pieces use the organ, while others use the piano. Generally, I think they sound better on the modern piano, but some of the pieces have a note sustained for three or more bars and the piano cannot do this, so I have used the organ instead. Of course, you can always alter it to anything you like with Noteworthy Composer.

As you will see from the photocopy of the original manuscript of the first prelude from book 2, Bach gives no Tempo or Dynamic indications, but leaves them up to the performer. So if you think my interpretation is too fast, or too slow, I'm sorry. I just did what sounded right to me.

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Pasacaglia and Fugue in C minor
Contrapunctus No. 9 (from the Art of the Fugue)
Partita in E for violib - transcribed by S. Rachmaninov
French Suite #5 in G major.
Fugue in G minor.
The Well Tempered Klavier (Complete)
15 Inventions
6 Partitas